Prototyping is my passion.
I am a nerd deep in my heart. ;)
+ System Development
+ vvvv Gamma
+ Stride - 3D Real Time Engine
+ X Realities
+ Projection Mapping
+ Light Control
+ LED Technology
+ Pysical Interaction
An interaktive Sound Table for the new Romatic Museum Frankfurt.Visitors can dicover the musical work of Robert Schumann and his interpretation of "Faust" by Goethe.
Audiovisual content, projected on the Schumann's notes, is explaining the way Schumann was working. Which steps he took while composing his music. What he was thinking.
Copies of Schumanns notes are printed on cardboard. The interactive table has implemented an invisible RFID reader to recognize the notes and project the specific video-overlays and audio-narrations.
event | permanent exibition since 2021 |
client | Romantikmuseum Frankfurt |
agency |
Since years we create light art installations for festivals, including light sculptures, projection mappings and VJ performances. Our special needs for individual projects inspired us to create our own software. Our tool is combining projection mapping in 3D Space, 3D Motion Graphics for LED matrices or light sculptures, multi-channel setup for video playback, mixing and texture effects and generative video artwork. All features can be linked to a audio analyse tool for audio-reactive graphics.
The software is based on the graphical programming language vvvv (
| Moni's Rache Festival 2017 Burning Bär 2018 Dune Festiavl 2019 Luminale 2020 |
partner | Nils Weger |
Joining the MESO Team as a freelance vvvv patcher to program the BMW i3 presenter, which travelled to several countries around the globe.
With physical tokens and touch interaction the highlights of the BMW i3 are presented.
event | Autosalon Paris 2016 |
client | BMW |
agency |
For AVMS I developed a Video-Control-Tool with feducial markers and LED stripes dataflow visualisation.
The user takes an object, which is labelled with a topic and places it in the middle of the table. A light stream is activated. It runs through the furnitures, the floor and up a media wall, where the LED light activates the videos according to the selected item.
event | CCM Berlin 2017 |
client | DTMS |
agency |
For the product release of two new Dolce Gusto Coffee Machines we transformed a Road Show Tent into a multimedia adventure. With the touch panel of the coffee machine the user controlls the generative motion graphics on the display below, the custom made LED Ball and the LED wall.
event | Road Show 2015 |
client | NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto |
agency |
Prototyping is my passion.
I am a nerd deep in my heart. ;)
+ System Development
+ vvvv Gamma
+ Stride - 3D Real Time Engine
+ X Realities
+ Projection Mapping
+ Light Control
+ LED Technology
+ Pysical Interaction
An interaktive Sound Table for the new Romatic Museum Frankfurt.Visitors can dicover the musical work of Robert Schumann and his interpretation of "Faust" by Goethe.
Audiovisual content, projected on the Schumann's notes, is explaining the way Schumann was working. Which steps he took while composing his music. What he was thinking.
Copies of Schumanns notes are printed on cardboard. The interactive table has implemented an invisible RFID reader to recognize the notes and project the specific video-overlays and audio-narrations.
event | permanent exibition since 2021 |
client | Romantikmuseum Frankfurt |
agency |
Since years we create light art installations for festivals, including light sculptures, projection mappings and VJ performances. Our special needs for individual projects inspired us to create our own software. Our tool is combining projection mapping in 3D Space, 3D Motion Graphics for LED matrices or light sculptures, multi-channel setup for video playback, mixing and texture effects and generative video artwork. All features can be linked to a audio analyse tool for audio-reactive graphics.
The software is based on the graphical programming language vvvv (
| Moni's Rache Festival 2017 Burning Bär 2018 Dune Festiavl 2019 Luminale 2020 |
partner | Nils Weger |
Joining the MESO Team as a freelance vvvv patcher to program the BMW i3 presenter, which travelled to several countries around the globe.
With physical tokens and touch interaction the highlights of the BMW i3 are presented.
event | Autosalon Paris 2016 |
client | BMW |
agency |
For AVMS I developed a Video-Control-Tool with feducial markers and LED stripes dataflow visualisation.
The user takes an object, which is labelled with a topic and places it in the middle of the table. A light stream is activated. It runs through the furnitures, the floor and up a media wall, where the LED light activates the videos according to the selected item.
event | CCM Berlin 2017 |
client | DTMS |
agency |
For the product release of two new Dolce Gusto Coffee Machines we transformed a Road Show Tent into a multimedia adventure. With the touch panel of the coffee machine the user controlls the generative motion graphics on the display below, the custom made LED Ball and the LED wall.
event | Road Show 2015 |
client | NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto |
agency |